Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Web 2.0 e-Publishing tools in education

Linked is a wonderful resource to web 2.0 e-Publishing tools that can be used in education. I can personally recommend Scribd and Flipsnack, both excellent resources.

Web 2.0 e-Publishing tools, an e-book for educators

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Coursera-FREE online education

I am really excited about a new trend in education, free online courses. Coursera is hosting and offering free online courses from 33 participating universities (Duke, Rice, Emory, Stanford, Princeton, Columbia, etc.). I enrolled in a class that has 60,000 participants (It will be interesting to see how many participate).

I am excited for this new prospect not only because it allows me to grow and develop from quality instruction  for free, but this means access to higher education for anyone who has the internet.

Go sign up for a course!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Really great blog post with 18+videos for back to school faculty meetings

Take a minute to check this out, it has some really great and inspiring videos. Some you have probably seen, but there are a good amount that may be new to you! What better way to get amped up about the school year than to look at some inspiring stuff!

18+ Videos Suggested for Back to School Faculty Meetings and other educational audiences